Welcome to Everyday Commands
Developer Commands
- Git Commands:
git status, git pull, git push, git commit, git checkout
- Common Git commands used for version control, code integration, and collaboration. - NPM/Yarn Commands:
npm install, npm run build, npm start, yarn add, yarn dev
- Package management commands used to manage dependencies and run scripts. - Docker Commands:
docker build, docker run, docker-compose up, docker ps, docker stop
- Commands to build, run, and manage Docker containers. - VSCode Shortcuts:
Ctrl+P (Quick Open), Ctrl+Shift+P (Command Palette), Ctrl+/ (Toggle Comment), F5 (Debug), Ctrl+Shift+F (Search)
- Common shortcuts to increase productivity in VSCode.
Testing Commands
- JUnit/Mocha Commands:
mvn test, npm test, npx mocha, pytest
- Testing frameworks and commands to run unit and integration tests. - Selenium/WebDriver Commands:
webdriver-manager start, selenium-side-runner, chromedriver --version
- Commands for managing Selenium WebDriver and running automated browser tests. - Jest Commands:
jest, jest --watch, jest --coverage
- Commands to run and monitor tests in JavaScript applications. - Cypress Commands:
cypress open, cypress run, cypress verify
- Commands for end-to-end testing in web applications.
DevOps Commands
- Kubernetes Commands:
kubectl get pods, kubectl apply -f, kubectl delete pod, kubectl logs
- Commands to manage and monitor Kubernetes clusters. - Terraform Commands:
terraform init, terraform apply, terraform plan, terraform destroy
- Infrastructure as Code (IaC) commands for provisioning and managing cloud resources. - Jenkins Commands:
java -jar jenkins.war, jenkins-cli.jar build, jenkins-cli.jar list-jobs
- Commands to manage Jenkins pipelines and automation. - Ansible Commands:
ansible-playbook site.yml, ansible -m ping all, ansible-galaxy install
- Commands to manage server configurations and deployments using Ansible.
These commands are essential for everyday tasks in the software development lifecycle. Understanding and mastering them can significantly boost productivity and efficiency in development, testing, and DevOps operations.